VOM is taking to the air to reach the “hermit kingdom” with the gospel of Christ.
North Korea Balloon launch
Sharing the Love of Christ with North Koreans Through the Air
VOM contacts study weather patterns carefully in order to choose the best time to launch gospel balloons into North Korea. The winds must be just right to ensure that the balloons and their precious cargo of gospel literature reach populated areas.

Although North Korea is one of the most restricted and isolated nations on earth, VOM contacts continue to find unique ways of spreading the gospel there. One effective method involves launching helium-filled weather balloons carrying gospel tracts and New Testaments into the country.

By including a GPS transponder in the balloons, Christian workers can even track their paths and see where the precious gospel payload lands.

Radio Listener
We also use radio broadcasts to reach into North Korea over the airwaves. The North Korean government often tries to jam our signal, but by repeatedly changing frequencies we have been able to continue sharing the Good News.

In a nation where owning a Bible is only a dream for most Christians, these radio broadcasts are of immeasurable value. North Korean defectors in South Korea read the Scriptures over the air in a slow, deliberate manner so listeners can write down passages of God’s Word themselves. These handwritten verses are likely the only Bibles that many North Koreans will ever have.

Help Reach North Korea with the Gospel