VOM readers like you have sent thousands of Action Packs this month to help persecuted Christians in Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Jordan and Lebanon.
Man with Action Pack
Thousands of Action Packs — Thank You!
Throughout this month, VOM has asked readers to help us provide Action Packs for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters. And readers like you have responded by providing more than 24,000 Action Packs — about 5,400 to be filled by readers and returned to VOM for distribution and another 18,995 sponsored Action Packs to be filled and delivered by VOM.

Each Action Pack provides much-needed practical items for persecuted Christians in need — a pair of sandals for a barefoot Sudanese woman, a T-shirt for a displaced Iraqi Christian child, a warm jacket for the child of a Pakistani brick-kiln worker. Each Action Pack reminds persecuted believers that Christians in the United States are standing with them and praying for them.

Even more important than the physical aid is the Bible or gospel story book included with each pack. This vital spiritual food strengthens our brothers and sisters, enabling them to continue living for Christ despite hardships and persecution.

There’s Still Time to Send an Action Pack

Girl receiving Action Pack
Our international contacts are so thankful for this outpouring of love and support. They know that each time they deliver an Action Pack they are strengthening the faith of persecuted believers and reminding them of their connection with the rest of Christ’s body.

In many cases, the persecuted Christians share their Action Packs with their neighbors, even those the world would consider their “enemies.”

Your faithfulness in giving encourages Christians and helps spread the gospel. Thank you for putting your faith in action this month.

I Want to Send an Action Pack