If you've ever wondered how to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, this online resource is for you.
Global Prayer Guide displayed on laptop and mobile phone
A Tool to Help You Pray for Persecuted Christians
When VOM meets with Christians who have been persecuted because of their faith, their first request is, “Pray for us!” But how should we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ?

VOM has created an online tool that provides specific information to help you pray for persecuted Christians. This interactive website highlights the restricted nations and hostile areas where VOM works, providing the following information on each country or area:
  • What it means to follow Christ there
  • How easily Bibles may be obtained
  • What major religions are dominant
  • How Christians are being persecuted

Start Praying

Global Prayer Guide displayed on tablet

On this global prayer website, you can also request a free copy of VOM’s Global Prayer Guide, a printed guide small enough to keep with your Bible.

Join believers across the U.S. in praying for Christians who face persecution because of their faith and witness.

Free Prayer Guide