Partner with front-line workers like Inzali, who is leading Buddhists to Christ in Myanmar despite the risk of arrest.
Inzali, who is leading Buddhists to Christ in Myanmar
Ready to Pay the Price
Inzali has led many Buddhists to Jesus Christ in Myanmar. And her bold witness on the front lines has caught the attention of Buddhist leaders, who often report her evangelistic activities to local authorities.

While concerned that her work will one day lead to her arrest, she remains joyful. She knows that her arrest would simply be a sign that her work has been effective.

“The more we share the gospel and preach the Word all over the world, the more trouble we’ll have,” she told a VOM worker.

Inzali is just one of the more than 40,000 front-line workers The Voice of the Martyrs serves as they risk everything to share the gospel. We invite you to help equip these workers with the tools they need to continue advancing God’s kingdom in restricted nations and hostile areas.

Support Front-Line Workers Today

Man standing with supplies

Your support for those sharing the gospel on the world’s most difficult and dangerous mission fields provides tools like these:
  • Motorcycles that help evangelists increase their ministry outreach from one or two villages to 10 or more
  • Outreach tools like DVDs, digital memory cards and solar-powered projectors to help Christian workers reach more people with the gospel
  • Retreats that provide pastors with training, encouragement and fellowship with other bold believers who risk their lives to spread the gospel
When pastors, evangelists and other front-line workers receive these tools for their ministry, they are reminded that they are part of God’s global family and that they are not serving alone.

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