Increasing attacks on Christians in Ethiopia cause great suffering, but the reason for the attacks is cause for rejoicing.
Man smiling
Targeted for Leading Muslims to Christ
Persecution in Ethiopia has intensified in the last few years, especially against those who faithfully proclaim the gospel, plant churches and train biblical disciples. One believer, a man named Dereje, has been specifically targeted for his work in southern Ethiopia, where his faithful witness and the power of the gospel are viewed as threats.

While attending a mission school, Dereje developed a burden for Muslims and set a personal goal of reaching one Muslim family with the gospel. And when he began to show love to his Muslim neighbors, they became more open to hearing about Jesus Christ.

In 2016, however, Dereje said some Muslims in the region grew angry about the number of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus Christ. And the following year, rioting Muslims attacked, beating and killing some Christians and destroying more than 2,000 homes and more than two dozen churches. Dereje was among those targeted.

During the last month of the attacks, as an attack on their village was imminent, Dereje gathered some believers and encouraged them with a message from Psalm 23. “By the time I finished sharing the Word,” he recalled, “the attacks had started. I heard people getting beaten and saw flames from burning homes, so I ran home as quickly as I could to protect my family.

“When the attackers arrived at my house, they called me by name, saying, ‘Dereje! Dereje! Come out! This is your day and you won’t escape!’”

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“Fear Is a Disease”

When Dereje learned that he was one of the attackers’ main targets and that they would not stop until they had killed him, he fled with his family to another town. They traveled on foot for five days and slept in the jungle before finally reaching safety.

Dereje and his family eventually resettled in a different area, where he resumed his ministry leading Muslims and others to Christ. He has returned to the site of the attacks twice since 2017, and he said he is willing to serve there again if God calls him to do so.

Dereje and other Ethiopian Christians like him continue to witness boldly for Christ, willingly facing the consequences.

“There is only one Mighty One,” he said, “the One who sent us. If we die, we are going to Him. But just trust the Lord; do not be afraid. Fear is a disease. If you fear, you cannot walk even one step. The One who is with you, He is greater than fear. Don’t be afraid. Trust the Lord.”

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