You're invited to join a global prayer movement on Nov. 7, the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. Order or download IDOP resources today.
International Day of Prayer
Get IDOP Resources for Your Family, Group or Church
The International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians, Nov. 7, is a day for families, groups and churches across the United States and around the world to focus on prayer for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters. Will your family, group or church serve our persecuted Christian family members by praying for them on this important day?

To help you and your group pray more specifically for persecuted believers, The Voice of the Martyrs has developed a number of resources, including a new video, Finding Life. The short film, available for free on DVD or as a digital download, tells the story of Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand, who abandoned selfish pursuits to obediently advance the gospel in Romania in the face of persecution from Nazi and Communist oppressors. Finding Life will inspire your family, group or church to walk that same path of bold obedience.

IDOP Resources

IDOP Digital Resources

In addition to the Finding Life video, you can order or download other resources to encourage your family, group or church to pray for persecuted Christians on IDOP Sunday and throughout November. These resources are useful throughout the year.

The free digital downloads include presentation slides, church bulletin inserts and even sheet music to the Keith and Kristyn Getty hymn “It Is Well,” featured in this year’s video. Additional items are available for purchase, including a prayer poster showing a map of countries where Christians are persecuted, Special Issue magazines you can distribute to friends and family, and prayer reminder bookmarks.

Make sure this special Sunday is included on your calendar — and your church’s — and request IDOP resources that will help you pray specifically for our persecuted brothers and sisters on Nov. 7.

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