Rachid's Muslim family kicked him out when he decided to become a follower of Christ. Today, he encourages Muslims all over the world to make that same decision.
Reaching Muslims for Christ: “The Best Investment”
Rachid knows firsthand about the persecution Muslims face when they reject Islam: His family kicked him out of the house when he became a Christian.
Today, he hosts an Arabic-language television program on which he answers Muslims’ questions about faith and Jesus Christ. The first day his program was on the air, Rachid hoped he might receive 10 or 20 calls from Muslims with questions. The show received 800 calls in the first half hour!
Listen as Rachid shares about coming to know Christ, being rejected by his family and finding other Arab Christians. He also explains some of the teachings of Islam that directly contradict the gospel and provides advice on how to reach Muslims we know.
“I was really thirsty for God, hungry for God, to find who He is,” Pastor Amir Bazmjou says. “That’s why I became a very fanatical Muslim.”
Born into a Shia family in Iran, Amir became a devout Muslim, striving to earn Allah’s favor. When Shia Islam failed to provide the close relationship he desired with Allah, he turned to Sufism, a form of Islamic mysticism.
Then someone gave him a Bible. Despite a lifetime of conditioning to reject the Bible, Amir began to read it. When he asked Jesus — if He was real — to change his heart, his prayer was answered.
Listen to Amir’s inspiring testimony, and learn more about Sufism and how to pray for persecuted Christians in Iran.