Jesus' call has always been extreme: "Leave everything, take up your cross, and follow me." This inspiring devotional highlights 365 Christians who obeyed his call.
The Voice of the Martyrs
Extreme Devotion book on a table, along with a cup of coffee
In an Age of Extremes, Devotion to Christ Is the Greatest Challenge
I rejoice. I sing. I laugh. I celebrate, because I know that my God reigns supreme over all the forces of evil and destruction Satan has ever devised. And best of all — my God reigns supreme in me!

Pastor Noble Alexander was imprisoned for 22 years in Cuba because of his Christian faith and witness. His is just one of the 365 stories in VOM’s best-selling devotional book, Extreme Devotion.

With stories of men and women from ancient times up to today, Extreme Devotion introduces some of our faithful persecuted brothers and sisters and prompts the question: How extreme is my devotion to Christ?

Read Their Stories

Extreme Devotion book on a table, along with a cup of coffee

When you make any gift to The Voice of the Martyrs, you will receive a free copy of Extreme Devotion. Enrich your walk with Christ and deepen your faith with these stories of Christians who were willing to sacrifice everything for Christ.

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