Our Christian brothers and sisters in the Central African Republic are targeted by both sides in a civil war. Despite this, they remain faithful to Christ.
The Voice of the Martyrs persecution.com
A mother and her children
Remember Faithful Christians
in the CAR
In the Central African Republic’s (CAR) ongoing civil war, biblical Christians are suffering brutal attacks from both militant Islamic rebels and opposing militia groups that identify as Christians. And increasingly, our brothers and sisters in Christ are driven from their homes or even killed.

Since the fighting began, more than 1.2 million people in the CAR have been displaced by violence. Roughly 600,000 refugees live outside the country, while another 600,000 live in camps for internally displaced people (IDP) within the CAR.

In the southeast, previously a majority-Christian region, as many as 70,000 Christians have fled their homes and taken shelter in camps for displaced people. Many of their homes have since been occupied by Muslims, preventing the Christians from returning.

VOM is serving more than 45,000 Christians living in these IDP camps, providing them with food, medicine and tarps for shelter.

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People praying

Following more than nine years of civil war in the country, front-line workers who met recently with local pastors say they are hopeful for the future of the church in the CAR.

“One of their greatest concerns amid the conflict is the next generation of the church,” said Jeremy Malkin, VOM’s regional leader for West and Central Africa. “Who are the young men and women who are going to step up? Who are the future pastors who are going to lead the church when there isn’t much discipleship? So many people are just concerned about what they are going to eat that day, let alone making disciples.”

But God is providing. In one town, a group of pastors is discipling youth to help develop future church leaders. Since the area’s lone Bible college was closed during the conflict, the men have started meeting in an abandoned home for missionaries.

“The fact that their goal is to make disciples … is such an encouragement that [the church] is not going to be pushed out,” Malkin said. “It is pushing back, and the gospel is going to continue to move forward.”

You can help Christians in the CAR who have been driven from their homes because of their faith. Your gift will provide care for those who have lost everything for the sake of the gospel and provide Bibles and other ministry tools to those serving on the frontlines.

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